MyPackage Help

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Step 1. Use Which company is delivering my package? below to find the delivery company's contact information.

Step 2. Contact the company to resolve your issue.

Step 3. If the company does not solve the problem to your satisfaction, call the retailer that you ordered from and also tell us what happened .

Step 1. Call the retailer that you ordered from and also tell us what happened .

When a delivery is marked as “attempted” it means that the package was loaded onto a vehicle, but we were unable to deliver it to the final destination. This could be for several reasons, including issues with package safety, the delivery address, or accessing the delivery location.

Step 1. Use Which company is delivering my package? below to find the delivery company's contact information.

Step 2. Call the company to obtain an updated delivery date and to resolve any potential issues that require your involvement.

Step 1. Use Which company is delivering my package? below to find the delivery company's contact information.

Step 2. Contact the company.

Step 3. The company will work with their delivery driver to obtain additional information to locate the package.

Residential deliveries normally occur between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.
Business deliveries normally occur between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Yes. You may request to pick up your package at a local delivery facility by calling the delivery company.

Use Which company is delivering my package? below to find the delivery company's contact information.

Step 1. Use Which company is delivering my package? below to find the delivery company's contact information.

Step 2. Ask the company to change the address

Step 3. For security purposes the retailer will need to approve the change before the package can be delivered. The delivery company will call the shipper for approval.

Step 1. Contact the retailer to initiate a return.

Step 2. Receive the packge to be returned.

Step 3. Follow the returns process specified by the retailer.

Find the delivery company by entering your tracking number below.